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Reply To: Fixing an uneven hem on Simplicity 2147 Tunic

Reply To: Fixing an uneven hem on Simplicity 2147 Tunic

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When it comes to straightening a hem, it’s really hard to do by yourself. I think the best solution would be to enlist a friend to help or use a dress form, if you have one. Only with the garment on can you see how really off it is and see it from all angles. You do not need to pin the same amount all the way around. For example, maybe you pin 1/2″ in the front but need to pin an 1″ in the back. This is fine. Just concentrate on pinning it so it’s even all the way around. After pinning, press it to create the crease. Then remove the pins and trim your hem on the inside so everything is the same. Going back to my original example, I would then trim the back 1″ hem to a 1/2″ hem so that everything is the same. Then you can finish the hem normally.
As far as your other issue, it’s really hard to say what’s going on without looking at the garment. Have you tried wearing it with a belt to see if that improves the look. Don’t scrap it! Even if you hate it and know you wear never wear it, at least finish it because it’s still a learning experience. Now that you’ve gone through the process, your second one will be easier and better. 🙂