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Pockets and Flys (no swatter for these!)

Pockets and Flys (no swatter for these!)

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 11 years ago by the_professors_assistant.
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    I am making a pair of casual pants. It is Simplicity A1530. The pockets are sewn in the seam. with a 3/8″ seam. The seams of the pant legs are 5/8″. There are a couple of big dots in the 5/8″ seam. I did it, but it was a real chore. You had to do to the 3/8″ seam first and the the other seam. I wonder if there is an easier way? The fly was a chore, too. I can sew on a curve, but this fly curve threw me a curve.

    I was going to put a blind hem in for the legs; however, after reading about a blind hem in the manual for my machine, I have decided not to do it. I was so confused after reading the directions, I think I would have folded everything into a pile 2 inches deep to sew. LOL! Thankfully, I am not using the fabric I purchased for the project. I thought I should practice first. My housemate never uses a flat sheet on his bed, so I get them and use them to do practice runs on things. I actually complete these, but they are for me to wear. Mistakes and all. 🙂 I know I can master this. My mom showed me basic stuff, but it was more simplistic than what I am trying to do now. She taught my brother and I sewing, cooking, turning on a vacuum, how a dust mop works, etc. She said we were not going to put our wives through what women of her generation and before have had to go through. She left us in 2004 and not a day goes by that I do something and it reminds me of what she taught me. Whatta champ she was!


    Well, I’m glad you got through your pockets and the fly! did you finish your pants? I’d love to see a picture if you did 🙂 We do have a tutorial on doing the blind hem on the machine if you want to see an example. It’s not as hard as you think. You can also just do a blind hem by hand (which I prefer lookwise). As far as sewing on curves, what you can do is hand baste your stitches first, and then go over them with the machine. It might still be a chore, but may be a little easier to have something to follow. You should be proud of your accomplishment though! 😀

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