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Sewing with weavers coth

Sewing with weavers coth

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    I just bought a weavers cloth fabric and just wondered what would be the best thread and machine needle to use for best results?


    I think you would be fine with regular all-purpose thread and, for a needle, I would start with an universal 80/20. I don’t think weaver’s cloth is heavy enough for the 90/10 but if your needle seems to struggle, you can move up to it. Definitely practice on some scrap material to see if you need to adjust the tension. Good luck! 🙂


    The thread and needle work just fine for my project. I purchase the McCall’s 6953 pattern and am making dress A. I chose the weavers cloth because it’s strong but light and elegant looking. I’m excited to see how the dress looks completed. Thank you for the advice.

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