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Simplicity #3750 Bust Adjustment

Simplicity #3750 Bust Adjustment

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Simplicity #3750 Bust Adjustment

  • This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by the_professors_assistant.
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  • #30739

    I have a bust measurement of 48″ and when I tried to make this blouse last year, I ended up with a bodice that is too short! I did successfully increase the width to 48″, the arms were fine, the back was fine, but the sash was completely wrong. What can I do to fix this?


    I haven’t done this pattern but I take it that the sash is a different fabric and pattern piece. Is this correct? Is the sash too short circumference-wise?


    The sash is a different fabric and pattern piece. The sash is just fine in terms of body circumference. T
    he bodice, sash and torso all connect at the same seam.
    My problem is from neckline to sash is too short as increasing the bodice pattern piece added circumference, but not length. The shoulder to neckline is perfect, and then the bodice-to-sash seam is half way down my actual bust. I need to add 3-4 inches in length, to the actual bodice piece so the sash is sitting against my rib cage.


    Got it! After you make your alteration to the bustline, and before removing your pattern from your paper, slide your pattern down to the desired length measurement. Redraw the bottom part of the pattern and your bodice will be lengthened. If you want, you can add some to the bodice and then some to the sash, instead of just doing it all to the bodice. It’s up to you. I hope this helps and you can finally finish this garment! 😀

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