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Enlarging mccalls pattern from size 20 to 24

Enlarging mccalls pattern from size 20 to 24

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Enlarging mccalls pattern from size 20 to 24

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  • #30755

    Hi all. I recently bought mccalls pattern m6097 14-20. I am a size 24 (roughly). I love the costume and would like to have it in time for Halloween. Unfortunately it doesn’t come any larger. I have watched the bust pattern enlargement video and think I can do it the 3.5 inches I need. What I am wondering about is enlarging the dropped waist to a 42″. Am I over reaching here? Or is it to difficult to enlarge a pattern that much. I’m new to this so bare with me. Thanks for the help, beth


    It sounds like what you want to do is pattern grading which is different than pattern alteration. With alteration, you’re affecting one part of the pattern. With pattern grading, your either increasing (or decreasing) the overall size of the pattern, so going from one size to another size. Unfortunately, we don’t have a tutorial on this yet. We do hope to have one sometime in the future. In the meantime, there’s a great article on pattern grading which can be found here:

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