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Bow tie troubleshooting

Bow tie troubleshooting

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    Hello – I’m trying to make a bow tie and having an issue with puckering in the narrow curve. The tie is flat after I’ve sewn it, but after I flip it right side out there is puckering/bunching in the narrow part between the two larger curves (not the tail, that looks fine). I’ve tried using a slower speed and I’m doing my best not to pull the fabric… any suggestions? Thanks so much!


    hello! This is probably not your sewing but, instead, your bow tie is telling you that you need to trim your seam allowance more. Make sure that you’re cutting notches into the seam allowance and trimming some of the allowance off. If there’s too much seam allowance it’ll bunch up and pucker, especially in curved areas, when flipped right side out. I hope this works! 🙂

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