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Pot Holder Question

Pot Holder Question

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Pot Holder Question

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by the_professors_assistant.
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  • #33332

    I am a novice at sewing and I’m really interested in making potholders. I looked at a few video tutorials and really enjoyed the Professor Pincushion video. Although the video was very thorough, I still have two questions:

    1. Do I need to switch the needle in my sewing machine to handle the extra fabric? Right now I have a universal needle in there.

    2. I have insulated batting. Will I be okay using two layers of that or should I still use the cotton batting/fleece?



    1. I did not switch needles. Universal is fine. I would use a size of at least 80/20.
    2. I haven’t tried 2 layers of insulated batting but I would stick to 1 and use 2 of the cotton batting, just because this is what the a lot of professional directions request and we don’t want to risk burnt hands. 🙂
    hope this helps.

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