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Mc Call pattern 6028

Mc Call pattern 6028

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    Proffessor, i want to make dress C on this pattern. I have to add a couple of inches to the breast & I know I have to do that on front & back pieces. What about side & back pieces since it is princess seam & front & back facings? It also has a yoke & short sleeves. Do I add to these too?


    It depends on how much you’re adding. If you’re adding not much like 2″, I would just add it to the pieces that have the side seam so you’re adding a 1/2″ to front side and back side. Because the yoke is part of the armhole, you may want to tape the yoke pattern to your side pattern to help you with the pivoting so it looks more like other patterns. You probably will not be adding anything to the yoke pattern pieces but taping it for the pivoting process, but it will give you an idea if you should. If you’re increasing the bustline by more than 4″ total than you will need to also increase the sleeve width pattern. We do have a tutorial on our site call Increase Sleeve Width alteration and it also shows you how to increase the bustline if you need to do 4″ total as well. I hope this helps! 🙂


    Guess I did it wrong. I added 2″ to front & back, not on side seams. I did 1/2 ” on each front & back, so what can I do? It fits on my dress form but I did not do the sleeves yet or facing. I did have to extend the yoke a little. Lawd, the mistakes I make! Lol


    aw, I wouldn’t stress out about it. If you made the alteration and it looks good and fits well, then I would just leave it at that. The good news is that because you didn’t alter at the side seam, the armhole wasn’t affected at all and, therefore, you should have to do anything to the sleeves.

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