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I don’t have the pattern directions so I’m just going to guess at this but maybe it might help in offering you ideas. So I would I would sew the 3 panels together of the main fabric and then repeat with the lining. Then take the lining and the main skirt and place them together right side to right side. The lace should be sandwiched between the lining and the main skirt around the sides and hemline. Make sure the top raw edge of the lace is lining up with the raw edge of your skirt and lining so when everything is pinned together, you can even sew the lace because it’s inside this skirt sandwich. Sew around the skirt sandwich on all sides EXCEPT the top waistline because once you’re done, you can flip the whole thing right side out. The sides you sewed are now finished with lace edging. The top of the skirt is still opening and you can just baste this close and then continue with adding the waistband sash. Hope this helps! Post a pic when you finish your skirt 🙂