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first pattern, help!

first pattern, help!

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  • #42077

    I am making a tote bag I’ve never made anything before. It calls for batting and interfacing and i have both. It says, “Pin batting to wrong side of fabric and then pin interfacing to wrong side of fabric over batting.” I have iron on interfacing so do I iron on the interfacing to the batting? If I iron it on the fabric then put the batting down theinside of my purse will be batting bbecause it does not have a lining. Please help. First project I’m already lost. Thank you!


    did it specifically ask for fusible interfacing? What kind of batting are you using? I’d be a little leary trying to iron on interfacing to a polyester batting as the amount of heat needed to fuse might be too hot for the polyester batting. You could always use non-fusible interfacing. The non-fusible is just sewn on at the edges.

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