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I was only able to find one dress that didn’t have a separate bodice and skirt and it looked like this: This one, obviously, doesn’t have the exposed boning but I think that’s something to think about. I imagine you just want the boning in the corset only and not the full length of the dress. If this is the case, you’ll still need someway to make the bottom of the boning casing to look finished and I don’t know if it’ll look odd that the exposed boning just seems to stop without the division. Most corsets have princess seams, which means that the skirt part of the dress will also have princess seams if there’s not going to be a separate bodice. Princess seams really help with the shaping since there tends to be no darts. I wouldn’t recommend getting rid of these just to have less pieces. good luck! and please post a pic when you finish your dress.