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hello! while the fit on women’s jeans and men’s jeans are obviously different, the standard method for constructing a pair of jeans is pretty much the same for both. If you go into a fabric store, you’ll should be able to find patterns for jeans….although, unfortunately, patterns for men’s garments is sadly lacking in terms of selection, but you can at least reference the directions even for a pair of women’s jeans just to give you an idea. We also have a tutorial on our website where I construct a pair of jeans for myself but it’s part of our premium membership which is $5 a month. You can just pay for 1 month if you wish to just check out the video. Jean Assembly is here: As far as a sewing machine is concerned, I wouldn’t buy the cheapest machine you can find, such as one for under $100 bucks. A lot of the cheap consumer sewing machines can’t handle sewing through denim very well so if you’re planning on sewing with a lot of denim, you may consider in investing in one of the more expensive sewing machines like a bernina, husqvarna, or babylock. These can’t be found in big box stores but instead you have to find a local vendor. If you don’t know where to start, call a local sewing and vac store and ask them. These machines will cost around $700 for a basic machine but they’re built much better. Plus, a lot of these vendors have used machines to offer cheaper because people trade them in when they decide to upgrade and sometimes I even see them on places like craigslist. good luck! 🙂