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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by professorpincushion.
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  • #95922

    Is there any sure fire way to close a circle after two pieces have been sewn together and turned? Mine always looks lopsided. I am just learning to sew (teaching myself with youtube help) so any advice you have would be appreciated. Also, checked out your videos very helpful, especially on the inside seam of a circle.
    Thank you


    After you sew your seam, are you cutting notches into your seam allowances before turning it right side out. If not, this could be causing your issue. The seam allowance could be bunching up since the outside of your circle is larger than the circumference at your seam line. Other than that, I think it just takes practice in sewing something curvy like a circle. I hope this helps. 🙂

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