Out with the plastic boring sewing machine cover and in with a fun fabric one. Learn how to take your machine's measurements to create a one-of-kind sewing machine cover.
Basic Video
Precare Fabric
As much as we'd like to just jump into a project, it's usually a good idea to first do some prep work. One of these is pretreating your fabric to prevent problems later on.
T-Shirt Repair
Say goodbye to those annoying tiny t-shirt holes with this quick and easy repair!
Corded Buttonhole
If you need to do a buttonhole on a stretchy fabric, you should do a corded buttonhole for added stability and strength. This tutorial shows you how to tackle one on your sewing machine.
Straight Pins 101
Picking the right straight pins are just as important as picking the needle for your projects. Watch this tutorial to get the low down on different types of straight pins.
Quilt Binding
The last step of making a quilt is adding your quilt binding. We show you how to create and sew on your binding with ease and with professional looking mitered corners.
Sock Rabbit
Making a sock rabbit is a fun way to transform a pair of socks. Our tutorial shows you each step so that you can make this adorable bunny that will be loved by children and adults alike.
Sequin Fabric
Before jumping into sewing with sequin fabric, check out these tips to get a better understanding on how best to succeed with this difficult fabric.
Collar Trim
Adding trim to your collars can add a delicate detail to your garments. Learn two different ways how you can pull off this technique.
How to Create Patterns From Existing Clothes – Simple Woven Skirts
Learn to create your own simple skirt patterns from woven skirts you already own.