Underlining can be functional but also add an extra element of contrast and interest to your garments. Watch this tutorial to learn how to sew underlining to a garment.
Basic Video
Dear Professor Pincushion: Fabric Store
Professor Pincushion and The Professor Assistant give their unique and humorous perspective on going to the fabric store.
Working with Chiffon
Leave your fear of sewing with chiffon behind as this tutorial offers tips and tricks to working with this delicate fabric.
Pet Costume: Royal Robe
Your pet will look regal with this Royal Robe pet costume. Download our free pattern and then learn how to make your own.
Pet Costume: Royal Crown
Every king or queen needs a crown. Complete your pet costume by making this Royal Crown with our simple pattern and instructions.
Garment Piping
If you love the look of seams embellished with piping, then you'll want to watch this tutorial as we show you how to incorporate it into any seam.
Embellish your next project with delicate pintucking. We show you how to create a pintuck and also how to alter any pattern to add pintucking to your projects.
Sleeve Lining
Watch our step by step tutorial on putting in a sleeve lining so you can tackle your own garments with confidence.
Hot Iron Transfer
Use hot iron transfers to create easy embroidery designs on home decorating projects or even garments.
V Neckline
Never fear the V neckline again. We offer tips and tricks so that you're next V neck will be your best.