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Sew on Snaps

Basic Video

Straight Seam

A seam is two separate pieces of fabric stitched together. Seams can be curvy or straight and many of the projects you will do will require a lot of seams in order to bring the whole project together.

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Straight Stitch

Watch this video to start practicing doing a simple stitch. Also learn the fundamentals on what your normal machine settings are and how to do a backstitch and stitch around corners

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Basting Stitch

Doing a basting stitch is an essential sewing skill and you will use it for a variety of different purposes. Look at our tutorial for a few examples of the basting stitch

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Amount of Fabric

Don't let the back of the pattern envelope keep you from starting your dream craft. We'll show you how to read the back of the pattern envelope to figure out how much fabric you'll need for your sewing project

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