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Running Stitch


Shank Button

The shank button is a button in which the button sits on top of a metal shank. This is a button that needs to be sewn on by hand and they come in many different sizes and shapes.

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Shirt Pocket

In this demonstration, you'll see how to create a nice finished pocket and how to use your pattern to find out where it needs to be placed on your project.

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Professor pincushion goes through from the process from just a simple pattern form and takes you through underarm seams, hems, and attaching it to your garment.

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Straight Seam

A seam is two separate pieces of fabric stitched together. Seams can be curvy or straight and many of the projects you will do will require a lot of seams in order to bring the whole project together.

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Straight Stitch

Watch this video to start practicing doing a simple stitch. Also learn the fundamentals on what your normal machine settings are and how to do a backstitch and stitch around corners

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