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Reply To: Sewing a costume with fake fur

Reply To: Sewing a costume with fake fur

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Hi there, I haven’t sewn with fur too much. I did use it to make the sloth hand puppet project on this site and, while it was really messy to work with, I didn’t have any problems sewing it on the machine. I guess it also depends on the length of the pile because one thing that is time consuming is going over the right side of the seam and pulling fur out of the seam, leaving just the fabric sewn together. I just did this with a straight pin. Once you do this, your seams pretty much disappears and it looks much nicer. And giving your machine a good cleaning is a great idea after your done. I’m sure all the stray hairs getting into your machine can add to the wear and tear. Have you checked for fur? Good luck! 😀