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Adding piping to a lined bodice

Adding piping to a lined bodice

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Adding piping to a lined bodice

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  • #31154

    I found your recent tute on lining a bodice really useful but I wanted to know if you could do the same process whilst adding piping to the neckline and armholes?
    Also, I need to know the method for lining with piping when the bodice has a concealed zip in the side? I get mixed up with the turning out and more than once I have sewn the seams only to found I cannot turn out to the right side!! Aaarrggh
    Many thanks


    yes, you can definitely add piping to the areas. I would baste them to the main fabric first, before adding any finishing elements like lining or facing pieces. As long as you have one area, such as the bottom of the bodice that remains open, you should be able to flip the bodice right side out. Usually with a zipper, that same seam on the lining remains open. After the bodice is flipped right side out, you hand sew the lining to the sides of the zipper on the inside. It really doesn’t matter if it’s a concealed or visible zipper or has piping or does not have piping. The method is usually the same. If it’s a little confusing, you can watch this example I do of adding a lining to an area with an invisible zipper, it’s near the end. It may not be exactly like yours but maybe help a little.

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