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Altering the waist of a dress pattern with 4 side seams.

Altering the waist of a dress pattern with 4 side seams.

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Altering the waist of a dress pattern with 4 side seams.

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  • #30269

    I am working with an older New Look pattern #6708 (this is a sundress) and I need to increase the waist. This is a pattern that each piece is the full length of the dress (neck to hem) and there is a front, side front and side back pattern piece. This creates two seams per side for a total of 4 seams. Do you increase each seam and pivot the top out and then pivot the bottom back in at the hip area down to the hem or do you only increase the side back seams where they meet the side front? I saw your waist altering video on YouTube and in one of the conversation threads attached to the page you mentioned that you may be making a video to alter the waist on dresses that do not divide the bodice from the bottom half of the dress (neck to hem patterns) but I could not find one as of yet, is there one? Thanks for your help and your time.


    Instead of dealing with each individual piece, what you could do is tape your pieces together. For example, tape your side front to front and then use this to increase at the side seam. It might be easier to visualize on where to pivot. I would do the same for the back as well. Just make sure you overlap the pieces for the seam allowance. Hope this helps! 🙂

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