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Does anyone know an easy way to turn belts and ties right side out..?

Does anyone know an easy way to turn belts and ties right side out..?

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Does anyone know an easy way to turn belts and ties right side out..?


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    Does anyone have a good idea on how to turn fabric belts and ties right side out..??
    I’ve been using an eyebrow plucker to dig for half an hour to get a fabric belt right side out after stitching it..!


    I know, it can be super hard to do. What you can do is sew a piece of yarn into the end seam and then pull the yarn when you’re ready to flip right side out. It works ok but then you have to trim the yarn off and hope you don’t have any visible fibers showing. Another option is I start by tucking the end inside of itself, then I get a blunt knitting needle or the blunt end of a wooden skewer and I push it into the tucked side and push it all the way through. In my experience, this second method works best for me.


    Thankyou so much for your advise..!!
    I’ll have to try the yarn method of turning right side out..
    I don’t have a knitting needle or s chopstick…
    Did you learn it online or just on your own..
    Is there anything online that you can purchase to turn ties and belts right side out..?


    It was basically trial and error on my part. You can also get a loop turner but I’ve had varying levels of success with it and it only works if the tube is open on both ends.

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