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How to know when to change fabrics

How to know when to change fabrics

Home Page Forums Ask A Question How to know when to change fabrics

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  • #45528

    The pattern does have three but I dont know when I switch them and blend in the next fabric


    sorry, your picture is pretty blurry so I can’t read anything. Is 1 garment utilizing 3 different fabrics? If so, when you look at the pattern layout, it should show you which pattern pieces are for what type of fabric. It might say something like fabric A and then a layout with pieces 1 and 2. Fabric B and then show a layout with pieces 3 and 4. So the layout will tell you which pattern needs to be cut out of what fabric and then when you go through the garment assembly, the directions will tell you which fabric pieces to sew next.


    Oh I see now thanks

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