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Increasing the armholes on a dress with bodice yoke and overlay

Increasing the armholes on a dress with bodice yoke and overlay

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Increasing the armholes on a dress with bodice yoke and overlay

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  • #39734

    I am trying to increase the armholes on a dress with bodice yoke and overlay, all which combine to make the armhole. I understand how to increase the bodice and sleeve, but I am experiencing difficulty with the yoke and overlay. The top of the yoke creates the top of the armhole and the overlay has a portion of the bottom of the arm hole. Help please. I can add the pattern number if this would help. Thanks, Baba

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by the_professors_assistant.

    a picture might help. does the overlay overlap the yoke? If so you might have to do each separately. So I imagine there’s the yoke and then there’s a piece of the bodice that goes below the yoke….You can tape these two pieces together to form a single bodice (overlapping the seam allowance between the two). Then increase the armhole as a single piece, only to make it easier, but you would eventually separate the two pieces, after you know how much you need to add. If the yoke is not very wide, you may only be adding to the bottom half of the bodice. In a separate part, you can add the overlay on top of your makeshift single bodice and do the increase for that as well.


    Thank you for the reply. I have attached a picture of the pattern. I hope you can see it. It is dress B. Please let me know if this is helpful. Thanks, Baba


    so the overlay is the full length of the dress? In that case, you can just do the change separately on it’s own. I would still overlap the yoke and bodice piece together to do that change but when increasing the armhole, it usually only affects the bottom part of the armhole so your yoke probably won’t be affected. I just attach it to the bodice to make the pivoting easier.

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