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lay out & matching pattern pieces for one way directional fabrics

lay out & matching pattern pieces for one way directional fabrics

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  • #30570

    I am trying to broaden my sewing experience by using a one way design fabric for pants. I have watched your very helpful video for plaids but am not able to apply those techniques to a one way directional fabric. Would it be possible that a video tutorial and tutorial with images and instructions be made to assist myself and others. I have searched the online and your plaid tutorial is the closest theory of application. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Jayme


    Even if your pattern is a directional print, you can make it easier by creating your own grid with tape or fabric marker. This is especially helpful if the print is on the larger side. If the print is pretty small, I wouldn’t worry so much about images meeting at seams perfectly. The main concern is that everything is going in the same direction.

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