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  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years, 9 months ago by the_professors_assistant.
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  • #52618

    How do I reduce the size of the back neck? While the shoulder area fits well I have a gap of about 2 inches. I’ve tried slashing the pattern to reduce the area and using darts. Either method creates a pattern that doesn’t lie flat and then won’t center on the fold line. I know you must have a great method.

    Thanks for your help.


    does the waist area fit perfectly as well or could it also be taken in here as well? I’m assuming your back bodice pattern is half of the full back bodice with one edge of the pattern being a center back line.


    I do need to take up the waist area. The pattern centers are placed on the fold. I have to do a back neck adjustment, full bust adjustment and reduce the waist area. Three adjustments for a simple t-shirt. I’m going to use your full bust adjustment method (I love it). Thank you ever so much.


    ok, so it sounds like you just have a small back. Let’s say you also want to take in the waist by 2″. You can do both in 1 step. The center back of the pattern (even if place on fold) should be a straight line. just measure from this line 2″ or whatever you want to take in, and fold on that line and that becomes the new center back line. That will remove the excess in the center of the back bodice.


    forgot to mention that this will effect the bust adjustment so I would do this first and then do that alteration and you’ll probably have to add more since you took out those 2″.

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