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Pant Pattern Adjustment

Pant Pattern Adjustment

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Pant Pattern Adjustment

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by the_professors_assistant.
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  • #30995

    Hello I am trying to make some pants using a simplicity pattern and I made a muslin since it’s my first time. When I tried them on the back was lower than the front I don’t know if that is normal but I wanted to know how would I adjust the back of the pant pattern for it to rise up and not be so low. Also I didn’t have the waistband on as of yet I did a fit test before putting on the waistband. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say. Sorry for any confusion.


    Before you make any changes, definitely try it with the waistband. You think this wouldn’t make a difference, but it does. If only the crotch curve in the back needs to be taken in, you can shave off a little of your pattern at the top of the crotch curve. Mark on the crotch curve, from the top, down to a measurement you want to take out. From this new mark, blend a new line to the original waistline before it gets to the side seam. Then make another muslin to test. I hope this helps 🙂


    Ok Thank you I will add the waistband and see if I need to make any of the changes you mentioned.

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