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    Hi, starting to sew again, so please bare with me. When you have your pattern and fabric cut out, first the fabric is folded, getting ahead of my self, the cut is two pieces and than I look and the pattern says cut 2 times which will give 4 pieces. The pattern I bought has 2 baby foot outfits, one with a hood and one with out a hood,but the coat can have a hood also, are all these extra pieces I’m cutting out for the other garment. And say like the hood I cut the first do I sew just those 2 pieces together??? tony


    hi there! The pattern piece will state how many pieces you need to cut out. So if the pattern says “cut 2” then that means that you need two pieces of that pattern. If your fabric is double layered, you’re technically cutting once but getting 2 from that single pattern. This would still be correct. If your pattern has a pattern layout on the directions, they show you how they recommend they lay out the pattern pieces and you’ll see if you need to use a pattern more than once to get more pieces. You shouldn’t have to frankenstein (or sew) any pieces together prior to actually going through the sewing direction steps. So first I’d cut everything out and then start going through the sewing directions. But I wouldn’t stress out too much. If you accidentally cut out more pieces than you need, it’s not going to hurt anything. Trust me, you can’t ruin your garment and it’s all about learning. You got this! 🙂


    Thank you, that help a lot, I keep trying till I get it, I drive my wife crazy lol. I watch your videos all the time always good information. If I get really going on this I probably will become a member. Thanks for getting back to me tony


    Hello just me, tony, I’m having trouble with sewing a gusset never did one it’s for a baby suit,I hope you can help


    Just remembered the most important picture sorry


    sorry for the delay in response 🙁 I’m probably too late to help. Did you get it figured out? It looks like you were on the right track at least. I’ll add gusset to my tutorial list since we’ve never done a tutorial on this yet


    Hello, I appreciate you getting back to me, I still kept getting a puker in the middle, so I did it by hand. I than ran into what is called breaking stitches. Maybe you can do something on that, it would help not just me but other sewers. Thanks


    thanks for the suggestion 😀

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