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Sewing in a Monogram

Sewing in a Monogram

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Sewing in a Monogram

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    A finisher with whom I work kindly produced a monogram for me with an industrial embroidery machine she has at home. I would like to sew it into the pocket of my topcoat, but have no idea in terms of what stitch or how to go about it? I could ask her but don’t want to monopolize her time at work (unfair for her and for our boss).


    So am I correct in assuming the pocket is already attached to your topcoat? If so, that really limits you on attaching the monogram. If you do not remove the pocket, you can use a fusible webbing and iron the monogram on the pocket and you can handsew a blanketstitch around the edge. If you were to take off the pocket and the fabric that the monogram is on is big enough, you can wrap the unfinished edge of the fabric around the pocket and then restitch the pocket back on. Or just remove the pocket and make your own pocket with the monogram fabric, using the current pocket as your pattern. Or if it’s not big enough, use the fusible webbing and do a machine satin stitch around the edges of fabric and then resew your pocket back on.

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