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tshirt quilt

tshirt quilt

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    Hi – I’m very new to the world of sewing and was going to try to make a tshirt quilt as one of my first projects. I’ve read a lot about it online, but I cannot seem to find a good answer to what I know is a very basic question. Most people use sewing machines, but I plan to hand sew the tshirts together. If I am attaching the tshirts together what kind of stitch should I use that will be sturdy enough? Thanks! Sam


    Awesome project and you can definitely sew it by hand but be prepared that it’ll take awhile. If it were me, I’d just do a simple hand basting stitch, but I would make my stitches on the small side and not very far apart. Even though you’re not sewing my machine, I would still recommend pinning your blocks together to prevent extra stretching as you sew it. Good luck and please post a pic when you finish. 🙂

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