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Reply To: pattern size numbers on pattern

Reply To: pattern size numbers on pattern

...demonstrating this on our site, but it's part of our premium membership. The arrows pointing to the lines with sizes next to them are pointing to the cutting lines....

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Reply To: problems using this site

...but we do have a getting started video here Also you can just hop into the sewing classroom and just start watching the videos to learn to sew.

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Reply To: Pinning pattern to fabric

Yes, we do! 🙂 Check out this tutorial on cutting out a pattern: and then we have the tutorial on pattern layout which is pinning pattern pieces to your...

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Reply To: Slip Stitch

I can't wait to see how it turns out. Here's our tutorial on the flat felled seam: check out this tutorial for the hand blind hem stitch. I chose...

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Reply To: Cat and Mouse videos

...the cat even on YouTube, so its definitely something on there side. You can wait a bit and try again later or try the links below. Cat Mouse

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Reply To: There is any thing More ?

if you go to you can see the differences. The premium members have access to premium videos and patterns. Our premium videos tend to be creation of your own...

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Making a Dress Pant

I'm making a dress pant and I had issues with the fly zipper... I was lucky enough to find your video ( and it was wonderfully helpful. I saw your...

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Reply To: Sew invisibly

...prefer to do it by hand as I think it always look nicer but it does take longer. Here's how to do it by hand: and by machine:

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Reply To: Properly recreating an antique garment

...and just baste a muslin together to see how it looks, you can always tweak your patterns until you get it right. duplicate simple tops: duplicate intermediate tops:

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Reply To: Adding Princess Seams to a shirt pattern

...a dart is here: and then making a regular bodice into a princess is here: My examples might not be exactly like yours but it should help. thanks!...

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