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Reply To: what stitch is best to sew stretch mesh?

Reply To: Making a Dress Pant

...on sewing a pair of jeans. It also has a fly so the waistband technique might be similar enough to help out. It's part of our premium membership though.

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Reply To: Pajama pants

Sorry, we don't have a full tutorial on this yet, but our tutorial on the elastic waistband are pajama bottoms, if you need help with that part.

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Reply To: Baste don't have to do any backstitching as this stitch can be removed when you finish your garment. You can see me doing an example of basting stitch here:

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Reply To: example here: You'll also see in this tutorial that some sewing machines can also do their own satin stitch but it takes a lot of practice to do...

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Reply To: Separating zipper

...separating zipper and you mainly want to do it from the top. We don't have a tutorial on this yet, but there's a pretty good article on it here:

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Reply To: Blending a Pattern? patterns so you might want to check their site. This purple jacket on this pattern is pretty cute and it might be more of what you're looking for:

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