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Reply To: Men’s shirt sleeve slit edge bindings

Zipper pouch tutorial I don't understand how to make the zipper work in this tutorial. It looks like she took one side of a zipper and turned it in half? Any clarification...

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costumes alteration in the middle of having to fit this pattern to four different body types.'s-dress-sewing-patterns-6098/p1140808 On the front and back to pieces I am a bit confused how to...

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Reply To: large dramatic curly hem

...get this affect. You may have to look online for it as stores like Joann are usually super limited. This vendor seems like they sell all kinds of colors:

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Reply To: Sock Monkeys

You can get them from JoAnn's and use a coupon|dc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Shopping+-+Kids+%26+Teachers&CS_003=10131488&CS_010=%5BProductId%5D&gclid=CNTwzdSltcICFUZbfgod7QUAzg...

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Reply To: Saving Videos

...You can check the video done, then visit the sewing classroom and only view your done videos via this link. Just make sure you are logged in. Or the...

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Reply To: Sock monkeys

...The video you are looking for is located here. Also do you have a link to that persons facebook profile that posted it, I want to check it out.

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Adding lining to a bodice without closures

...additional tips on how to do this? I've only gotten down to the fifth picture before getting stuck. I can't seem to pull the shirt through the hole. Thanks!

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Reply To: Premium Videos

the videos page allows you to sort the videos at the top left of the videos page. Here is a direct link of just the premium videos

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