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Holiday Table Runner

Holiday Table Runner

...collaborated with Tiffany Windsor at Cool2Craft. Tiffany is the founder of the Cool2Craft community and was lucky enough to be born into a creative, crafty family. You may recognize Tiffany's...

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Pinning pattern to fabric

...there a tutorial on how to pin pattern to your fabric? and then how to cut the fabric out ? Btw i love this website it is so helpful 🙂...

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Staystitch Protocol

...stitch. Then yesterday I was on the Simplicity website and they do it a little differently: they start at one shoulder and stitch to the center of the neck; then...

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Reply To: Bondaweb

I haven't used this brand before but it seems like your standard fusible webbing. According to their manufacturers website, it can be used on almost all fabrics and be fused...

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Trimming and Finishing Seams

Let me start by saying thank you so much for running this website, it is really an invaluable resource. I especially like the way you go step by step through...

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Reply To: Bobbin is find a dealer or sewing machine repair shop that deals with your brand of machine. Sometimes you can make it easier by going to the manufacturers website. So...

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Starting Up My Sewing Room

Hello! I am still new to sewing and last month, with the help of your website and videos, I made my costume for a haunted house I work in. I...

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