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Reply To: Chiffon overlay – Zip insertion

Hand Quilting

...long arm quilt machines or even done with a special machine foot for free motion quilting. In the old day it was done by hand and can still be done...

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Reply To: Basic Supplies all hobbies, it will cost you money, especially when you're starting out. A common misconception is that sewing your own clothes will be cheaper than buying premade clothes, but,...

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Jacket Cuff

...there are a few steps to doing it well. The hardest part is easing the cuff onto the sleeve, but once you do that, you're pretty much home free. This...

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Thank You

Good Morning, Thank you so much for doing this, it's greately appreciated 🙂 With al this unexpected "free time" on my hands I can improve my sewing skills Stay healthy...

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I'm always amazed at the number of ways there are to embellish a project. Feathers is not one that always instantly comes to mind but people have been using feathers...

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