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Reply To: Problem with Puckers

Reply To: Problem with Puckers embroidery onto a knit fabric. For more detailed information on choosing hoop stabilizers - - comes to mind. Their "techniques" tab or the "Tips" should be helpful. For...

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Reply To: Choosing a sewing machine

I don't know if there's a guide out there but if you watch my tutorial on beginner sewing tools. I do talk about purchasing sewing machines a little bit.

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Reply To: Downloadable Patterns in Premium Membership

...the projects with downloadable pattern by checking out this link. We also have a lot of pattern making videos that you create based off of your own measurements.

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Reply To: pattern size numbers on pattern

...for that size. If you look at this tutorial at timecode 04:17, you'll see one of my patterns with arrows. Does that help or is your example way different?...

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Reply To: problems using this site

...but we do have a getting started video here Also you can just hop into the sewing classroom and just start watching the videos to learn to sew.

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Reply To: Slip Stitch

I can't wait to see how it turns out. Here's our tutorial on the flat felled seam: check out this tutorial for the hand blind hem stitch. I chose...

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Reply To: Cat and Mouse videos

...the cat even on YouTube, so its definitely something on there side. You can wait a bit and try again later or try the links below. Cat Mouse

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Reply To: There is any thing More ?

if you go to you can see the differences. The premium members have access to premium videos and patterns. Our premium videos tend to be creation of your own...

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Reply To: Sew invisibly

...prefer to do it by hand as I think it always look nicer but it does take longer. Here's how to do it by hand: and by machine:

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