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Dog Coat

Dog Coat Sitting Dog Coat StandingSewing for your dog can be fun as they never complain about the look of the final product.  Making a dog coat is great for when the weather is really cold outside and you can make them for an economical price, especially if you wait until fleece is on sale.  Depending on how big your dog is, you might be able to get several coats out of 1 yard of fleece.  I would definitely choose something washable when creating your dog coat so, when it gets dirty, you can just toss it in the wash.  The best part about making this version of the dog coat is that it's possible it can be reversible.  You can either use a fabric that is different on both sides, like mine, or use two different fleece fabrics.  If you use two different fabrics, you can place them together, wrong side to wrong side, and then just baste around the perimeter of the whole piece.  Just be aware that this will make the coat twice as thick so you want to make sure you have a needle that handle that and maybe use a walking foot.

This tutorial also shows you how to create your own pattern for the dog coat so you can make it the right size for your dog.  We show you what measurements need to take and then how to draft the pattern.  Creating and tweaking the dog coat pattern is the most time consuming part but you can totally do it, even if you've never done any pattern drafting before.  Once the pattern is perfected, you can then create many dog coats easily and quickly.

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25 thoughts on “Dog Coat

  1. suebee67

    I just have to say that while I really appreciate finding this lovely and very simple pattern, it was a real pain to keep starting and stopping the video so I could write down the instructions. I don’t quite understand why the instructions are written here on the website.

  2. the_professors_assistant

    Just the worksheet is correct. Because the video shows how to make the pattern to your dogs size

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