It may seem odd to some people that I would do a makeup brush organizer, because I tend not to wear very much makeup and I also tend not to be very organized. Although, I am very optimistic that someday I will at least be organized. As for makeup...well, I always seem to find something else to spend my money and time on. I actually made a bunch of these as Christmas gifts for my younger cousins. I have many female cousins, who are more girly than myself, so they were perfect.
What I liked about this project was that it went by quickly. You can churn out a handful of these in an afternoon. Also, the crazier the fabric combination, the better I liked it. These were just something that I had fun with. I wrapped them up with tissue paper so that they looked like giant Tootsie Rolls. I picked up a makeup brush set at a convenience store, so when someone opened it, they knew exactly what it was for. It's great for everyday use and also for taking with you when you travel.
You also control the sizes of the pockets so you can easily convert this into an organizer for anything: crayons, crochet needles, tools, etc. The possibilities are definitely endless with this versatile project.