I love messenger bags. They're big enough to pretty much carry all your essentials and they can look very cool. I've been wanting to make a messenger bag for awhile because sometimes it's practical to carry around a bigger bag. After making my sugar skull patch, I knew just where I wanted to add it. It looks so great on the front of my messenger bag and gives it the personality that I wanted. I really love how it turned out. The nice thing about this project is that this bag can be as simple or as elaborate as you want. Add your own patches or let your fabric choice do the talking.
I do recommend choosing a fabric that is a heavier weight so your bag can be a little more durable. Don't go too heavy that your machine has problems, but don't choose a flimsy fabric either. The only interfacing I have in the bag is in the strap so, with the heavy duty snaps, you want to choose something strong.
These bags make great gifts and are easy to personalize. Also, they don't take much fabric so you can make one fairly inexpensively which is always my favorite part of any project. Now that I've made it, I can't wait to take my bag with me around town.
sorry for the delay. the bag is about 12″ in width and 15″ in height. It’s definitely big enough to fit my laptop and more. You also can adjust the pattern to fit your needs. thanks!
I don’t remember the dimensions and currently out of town. I’ll return next week and check on that for you. Also, make sure that your printer is not scaling the pattern at all
Can you please let me know the finished demensions of this bag? I printed off the patern and it looks kind of small. Thanks so much 🙂
You should be able to download it from a desktop or laptop but, at this time, the ipad won’t work for our downloads. sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello this bag is so cool! Love the fabric but I can download the pattern on to my iPad for some reason
Thanks! I don’t really put too much thought into matching my fabric so if it happens it’s really a coincidence. I do manicure them myself. 🙂
the download works fine for me. Its probably something with your browser settings. Anyways, I manually sent you an email with the pattern attached. Its coming from support, so check you inbox or junk folder.
Cant get the messenger bag pattern to download. :{
I enjoy your nail art selection. Do you manicure your nails yourself? I also noticed that in some of the videos, the color of your polish coordinated with your fabric. Thanks so much for your videos. You are a very good instructor.
Francine Flaks