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Sleep Mask

Sleep MaskSleep Mask LadiesTrio Of Sleep MasksI have to say that my favorite part of the day is going to bed.  Aw, sweet, sweet bliss.  There's nothing like climbing into a nice comfortable bed and wrapping my blankets around me.  And I do wrap my blankets around me no matter what time of year it is, because I don't like feeling exposed to spiders and whatnot.

The worst part of the day?  Waking up.  Ugh, dumb, dumb daylight.  I hate stumbling around, trying to wake up.  I definitely appreciate sleep a lot more into my adulthood and find nothing more annoying than that early morning light creeping in and disturbing my sleep.  Solution?  Beauty Sleep Masks!  I loved making these, especially for other people who love sleep as much as myself.

The sleep masks are made up of three different layers.  I have the felt on top.  I used felt because I knew I wanted to make the cute little faces and did not want to worry about the pieces fraying.  I carefully cut out the individual parts of the face and then hand stitched them on.  The traditional beauty eyes was my favorite but the cat face was pretty fun too.

The middle layer is fleece.  This is good for not only padding the face mask but also if you use a dark fleece, it'll block out much of the light.  The last layer is flannel as I wanted something soft against the face and a cute print.  I would also make this fabric dark as well to block out the dreaded sunlight even more.

The mask is held on the head by elastic and can be sized to fit comfortably on anyone.  All in all, this a quick project and extremely rewarding.  Once you make it, you'll catch up on all your beauty sleep.

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