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Understitch UpdatedOne of the most common techniques in garment sewing is the understitch.  You tend to find understitching done on garments that have facing or sometimes on lining.  Facing is usually found  in garments that are sleeveless or collarless.  Regardless of where the understitch is going, the process is always the same.  The reason for understitching is to keep the facing on the inside of the garment so that it won’t roll over to the right side of the garment and play peek-a-boo with you.  It also add stabilization to make turning the facing or lining easier and more crisp looking.  Once you make the understitch, you will find that facing should fold over neatly and your garment will look more professional.  Check out our new tutorial and we’ll show you exactly how it’s done.

Categories:  Basic Video   |   garment sewing   |   Professor Pincushion Posts   |   Videos

One thought on “Understitch

  1. maryameya

    This great basic video although it is a very simple one but also very importatnt to me as a new sewer these basic tricks in sewing is a fortune to me
    Thanks a lot prof.

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