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Extend My Premium Membership


Extend My Premium Membership

If you are currently a Premium member and only made a single payment, you can extend your membership by visiting the My Membership page. If you are currently a Premium member and make recurring payments via PayPal, you don't need to do anything, PayPal will automatically extend your membership.

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Ask The Professor A Question

Ask any sewing related question you want and Professor Pincushion will try to answer.  Other members can answer as well, because we are all here to learn and help each other.  You can even ask questions on how to use the site or anything else related to the Professor Pincushion...

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Change Email Address

You can change your e-mail address by making sure you are logged in, then in the top right of the site you will see the words "PROFILE", click it, or CLICK HERE. You will see the "Email Address" section with your current email address in it.  Change it to whatever...

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Change Password

Make sure you are logged in and in the upper menu click "Profile". This will take you to the "My Profile" page.  In the "New Password" section, enter your new password twice and press the "Save all Changes" button

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Upload An Avatar

If there is a Gravatar associated with your email account, we will use that as default. Currently, only gravatar avatars will only be used and you cannot upload one directly to Professor Pincushion.

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I want to cancel my Premium membership

Sorry to see you go. You can visit the "Modify My Membership" page while logged in and you will see an option to cancel your membership. If you are NOT using a recurring payment, just a one time payment, then in theory you don't need to do anything to cancel, you can...

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